Thursday 5 September 2013

Healthy Habits That Everyone Should Follow - Rules For Good Health

Health is considered one of the most valuable and the best way to be healthy is to be happy, practice good habits, and maintaining a healthy routine and a healthy mind. Here are some tips to get you fit and healthy.
15 simple rules for good health
1. You might heard of this nursery rhyme - "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" You must maintain a healthy routine of waking up early to bring out the right time to ensure good health..
Two. You should try to avoid anxiety and stressful conditions. Stress and anxiety is linked to many other health risks. So keep away from you.
Three. Do not remove the natural urge to pass stool and urine. They help to remove unwanted toxins from the body.
April. Use an antiseptic soap or liquid gel to wash hands before eating.
May Regular cleaning of the tongue to remove extra layers is necessary for oral hygiene.
June Brush your teeth after every meal, at least twice - in the morning and at night before going to bed. Soft toothbrush, rounded bristles is best. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes.
July. To remove food particles use a good up and down motion with the brush and rinse your mouth. If brushing is inconvenient in some places, rinse with warm water or just for at least 30 seconds.
August Avoid chewing betel nut to prevent erosion and tooth decay.
9. Flossing between teeth and use a fluoride toothpaste or baking soda.
10. Replace your toothbrush every three months.
11. Do not use nails, toothpicks or other sharp objects to clean the teeth and gums that can wear out the full exposure of the teeth.
12. Make a balanced nutritious diet containing all minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water in the required proportions.
13. Never eat food while under stress, tension or anxiety, because it hinders the digestive process. Avoid any other simultaneous activity because it makes the heart pump more blood, showing digestion and leads to various diseases like indigestion. Therefore, you should avoid reading or studying while eating.
14. Sometimes the temptation to eat more tasty food favorites. Avoid it distends the abdomen and leaves no space for water and air.
15. Breathe through your nose and not your mouth. The nose is full of tiny hairs that help filter the air. The air is heated and humidified in the nose. Breathing through the mouth dries the pharynx, causing a dry cough and mucus formation.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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